Friday, July 27, 2012

Man’s Western Belt Buckle

I haven’t been blogging much during the past couple of weeks. I do from time to time have to get, at least, a little work done around the old homestead and so occasionally have to take a hiatus from the computer.

The ESN blog theme this week is “pants.” Searching around through the eCrater stores of my fellow scavenger hunters, I found lots of items that could be worked into that theme. But, this belt buckle from Bargain Express caught my eye. If you are going to wear pants you will want to have just the right belt and buckle. For me, this would be it. Need I say more?


Nancys Doll Closet said...

Very nice choice of an item. I think we all need a break from the computer. Glade to have you back.

Le Petit Marche said...

Cool belt buckle, great idea to go with pants, of course!

Linda Jordan said...

Awesome belt buckle! Looks collectible! Great post!